How To Immigrate
From India To Hong Kong

Hong Kong has one of Asia’s most prosperous economies. Each year, the HKSAR gets a rising number of immigration requests. You have several alternatives for immigration to this one of four Asian tiger nations, each with its own set of eligibility requirements.

Hong Kong’s immigration laws were crafted in response to the autonomous region’s economic objectives. We can categorise the scheme of things essentially as follows:

  • Arrangements for non-native graduates-IANG
  • GEP – General Employment Program

QMAS with the assistance of a General Point Test (GPT) or an Achievement-Based Point Test (ABP).


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    IANG: This initiative tries to recruit international students.

    • Completed a full-time, regular graduation or higher course from a Hong Kong-recognized academic institution.

    Non-resident students – Non-Resident Groups (NRGs) filing requests

    • Within 6 months of completion are fresh NRGs
    • After six months of achievement, they are referred to as returning NRGs.

    Fresh graduates do not require an on-hand job offer, however returning graduates do. Both types of non-resident graduates are awarded one year of residence if all other immigration criteria are met.


    This programme was established to solve labour shortages in the local labour pool. Aspirants filing under the GEP must possess the following:

    ☑ Appropriate academic qualifications, as well as technical ability in the required craft, if desired in a particular occupational foundation.

    ☑ A genuine job offer

    ☑ Wages provided should be comparable to the going rate for the similar occupation in the local labour pool.

    The GEP and IANG programmes do not require yearly sealing and were designed to enhance Hong Kong's image as a globally competitive metropolis. Schemes are offered to individuals in

    ☑ Commercial

    ☑ Arts

    ☑ Culture

    ☑ Sports

    ☑ Culinary abilities, for example.

    The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme promotes the immigration of highly skilled immigrants who will stay in the territory and work in their occupational premise or develop businesses, so contributing constructively to the HKSAR economy. Each year, 1000 grants are sealed. To be accepted for this programme, a migrant must first meet certain requirements.

    A candidate must

    ☑ Be at least 18 years old

    ☑ Possess the necessary academic credentials for the trade in which he/she specialises.

    ☑ Possess the required level of English proficiency, i.e. a minimum of Band 6 on the IELTS.

    Post-preliminary requirements include passing either the GPT or the ABP examination.The GPT is the most critical component of HK immigration and it is essential to get at least 80 points (out of 165) on the basis of elements such:

    ☑ AGE

    ☑ Academic Qualifications

    ☑ Workplace Exposure

    ☑ Language Abilities

    ☑ Family history

    The ABP evaluation process is designed to identify exceptional migrants with extraordinary skills and accomplishments in their trades. In this examination, just one parameter is given a score of 165 points because it pertains to a migrant.

    ☑ Has received global recognition and awards

    ☑ Has participated in, and contributed phenomenally to, advances in his or her trade concept.

    If you require additional information about Immigrating to Hong Kong, you may send an email to and one of our most experienced immigration consultants will contact you to address your questions and concerns. Alternatively, you may call us at +91-844 774 7988 or interact directly with an expert via our Live Chat window.

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