Australian Skilled Worker Visa Consultant

Australian Immigration
from India

Thinking about migrating to a technologically advanced, versatile, comfortable and a luxurious country with exclusive scenic beauty, then Australia is the perfect destination for you. If you are residing in India, then you have reached the right platform. This dream place is hard to access owing to its requirements of extensive documentation and complicated procedure, and requires the assistance of competent immigration consultants in India. The Liba Migration Services provide the best Australian immigration experts in India who can assist you in migrating in the easiest way possible. So join us to get the best Australian immigration experience from India with minimum hassle and maximum ease.


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    Seamless and Effortless Australian Immigration from India Services

    Immigration to Australia from India requires myriad complex steps which can be highly difficult and challenging. The process requires full insights and details that only proficient immigration consultants in India like ourselves might know. We are well aware of all the complex and secretive processes that civilians are unaware of. Furthermore, we have immediate knowledge regarding the perfect spots to settle in and the easiest means of Australian immigration from India. So, our Australian Skilled Worker Visa immigration consultants will guide you through the process with utter expertise.

    The Liba Migration Services assist in Australian immigration to India with exclusive expertise giving seamless and effortless experience to its customers. So, sit tight and let us make this precious dream of yours come true like a piece of cake, and join the hospitable and friendly people of Australia.


    ☑ It is a point based visa which is meant for skilled workers. These workers are not sponsored by any employer, state, or territory.

    ☑ With this visa, you can include your family members also in the application. The family members can include your partner, your dependent children, and your or your partner’s relatives.

    ☑ The specialty of this visa is that it is a permanent Visa and the skilled independents can live for an indefinite time period in Australia with this visa.

    ☑ Before submitting the application for this visa, you need to submit an expression of interest.

    ☑ The state nomination visa assists you to procure a skilled nominated visa with the help of the government.

    ☑ The skills nominated Visa is given on the basis of a points tested system to the skilled workers to reside as a permanent resident in Australia.

    ☑ This visa is meant for the people who have an occupation with high demand in Australia’s market.

    ☑ Before submitting the application for this visa, you need to submit the expression of interest.

    ☑ If your score is high enough, then the Australian state and government will view your expression of interest and decide to nominate you.

    ☑ A work permit visa is offered to any individual who wants to work for an employer in Australia for upto 4 years.

    ☑ He or she may be sponsored by the employer for a given time period as well.

    ☑ The employees who are eligible to sponsor such employees should be approved by the Australian Department of Home affairs.

    ☑ By fetching this visa, an individual can work and live in a particular territory of Australia for upto 4 years.

    ☑ This temporary visa can assist you in applying for a permanent residency visa if you qualify for the further criteria.

    ☑ The person applying for this visa should be sponsored or nominated by a government agency.

    ☑ You can work, study, and even bring your eligible family members with the help of this visa.

    ☑ Family visa helps the individuals to proffer family sponsorship of a skilled visa to their families.

    ☑ This also helps in augmenting 15 points to the individual’s visa points score.

    ☑ Hence, with the additional score, your expression of interest has higher chances to receive the invitation to apply.

    ☑ You can obtain a spouse visa if you are married to an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia for at least 12 months.

    ☑ Your spouse can sponsor you for a period of two years.

    ☑ You may also be given a permanent residence if your relationship is genuine and continuing.

    ☑ You can procure this visa either from overseas or from within Australia as well.

    ☑ The study visa allows you to dwell in Australia for up to five years.

    ☑ You can participate in any eligibility course of study while living in Australia.

    ☑ With the help of this visa, you can also include your family members in your application.

    ☑ The visa requires you to work for 40 hours every two weeks once your course starts.

    ☑ The Business Innovation and Investment visa has been divided into 4 streams.

    ☑ Each stream focuses on the categories of investors who can further procure legal permanent residence in Australia under the Business Innovation and Investment Visa.

    ☑ To apply for permanent residence, you have to procure this visa for at least 12 months.

    ☑ No illegal business or investment activities should have been committed by the individuals applying for this category of Visa.

    ☑ A working Holiday and seasonal visa is given to individuals aged between 18 to 30 years.

    ☑ You can work and travel in Australia for up to 12 months by procuring the working holiday visa.

    ☑ To apply for permanent residence, you have to procure this visa for at least 12 months You are free to enter and leave the country during these 12 months of time.

    ☑ Procuring a working holiday and season requires a simple online procedure.

    Australia Immigration Visa Consultant

    START Planning Your

    We, at Liba Immigration, aim to assist you in making your dreams a reality by providing our expertise to help you through your migration journey.

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